Posts Tagged ‘Reshma Sohoni’ demos its free property website creator at OpenCoffee

Thursday, July 17th, 2008
Saul Klein

Image via Wikipedia

Today we ventured out of our lair for the first time to give the first ever demonstration of The venue was a packed OpenCoffee session on 5th Floor of Waterstones, Piccadilly. The Seedcamp team were out in force, including Saul Klein and Reshma Sohoni, as this year’s application process is now open.

We set up our makeshift signage and then spent the next two hours demoing our product to other entrepreneurs and investors.

We received some great feedback and even a few customers. The general consensus was that they liked the free website builder for property and thought the product had legs. There were some great usability comments (particularly from the experts at Clearleft) thank you for those, we are now working on some improvements.

We are aiming to have our private beta out in a week or so. If you would like to be one of the first people to use the site register your email address here:

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